Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Link Roundup What You Need to Know When Job Searching - Walrath Recruiting, Inc.

Link Roundup What You Need to Know When Job Searching - Walrath Recruiting, Inc. Instead of focusing on one specific topic this week, weve gathered all the links that we believe will lead to a successful job search. Job searching technology and trends continue to evolve, so keeping up with them is crucial. In the links below we highlight some new developments, as well as some tried and true advice. As long as youre a job seeker,   youll find something of value below. How to Get An Amazing Job Without Much Experience This Forbes article is a great read for any recent college graduates! Its written by Jon Youshaei, a Product Marketer at Google, who has his own online webcomic about careers. What makes this article even better is that Youshaei uses his unique cartoons throughout the article to emphasize the points he makes. It makes for a fun and engaging article! How to Properly Read a Job Posting So You Dont Apply to a Terrible Job If youre looking at a job description, theres usually more than meets the eye. As a job seeker, you may not know the hidden meaning behind the HR lingo. For example, if the company is looking for a self-starter, they want someone independent who wont need much oversight. Knowing how to read between the lines on job descriptions should help you avoid ones you wouldnt want. Check out the full article for more explanations. LinkedIn and Microsoft Team Up For a Resume Building Assistant in Word When Microsoft acquired LinkedIn towards the end of last year, the tech world went crazy with predictions about what this would mean for each company and their products. Now it seems we have the first concrete result of the acquisition. When you draft a resume in word, it will provide suggested phrases and terminology. Once youve finished, it will also let you know what type of positions you should target, based on your experience. This is certainly only the beginning of what we will see since the two companies integrated, and its exciting to think of what might be next! Why Your LinkedIn Profile Isnt Getting Any Traction Not getting any new connections or messages on LinkedIn? Its not an uncommon problem. There are a number of reasons why your LinkedIn profile isnt doing anything for you. Even though LinkedIn may rate your profile as an All-Star, other professionals may not see it that way. For example, if your summary is too dry and uninteresting, it will be hard to rope anyone in. If they arent drawn in by that summary, its highly unlikely theyll look at your experience and skills at all. Bring Your Resume Job Descriptions to Life: Be Interesting, Compelling and Memorable Having a boring LinkedIn summary can be dangerous- and so can having a boring resume. A resume that just reads like a listing of job descriptions isnt going to convince anyone to bring you in for an interview, let alone hire you. You have to be compelling, and not only explain your responsibilities, but describe your accomplishments as well. This article has some great advice that will help you bring your resume alive, and make it an enticing document to hiring managers. These 5 Interview Questions Reveal the Most About Job Candidates Hiring manager or not, its good to have a sense for what type of interview questions will be asked. Everyone knows, What is your greatest weakness? and expects it. More  recently however, interviewers are trying to ask questions and gauge not just your answer, but also how you answered. Did you answer truthfully and genuinely? Were you caught off guard by that type of question? Questions are now asked to not only get answers, but uncover motives as well. This article shares some examples of these types of questions. 6 Keys to Declutter Your Resume Right Now Is your resume a lot longer than you want it to be? If so, its possible you have some unnecessary content taking up crucial space. This article from Ladders should help you trim the fat, and refine your resume to be succinct and direct. There are some changes that are acceptable, and some that arent. This article does a great job of distinguishing between what is allowed, and what is looked down upon. How to Stay Focused If Youre Assigned to Multiple Projects as Once There are many job descriptions out there that have something along the lines of, must be able to juggle multiple tasks/projects at once. This shouldnt be outright discouraging, but it can be intimidating. If you find yourself in the position of trying to balance multiple projects at once, this article has some great suggestions to help you find a balance and stay focused. Whats great about this article from the Harvard Business Review is that its backed up by research. So instead of getting advice that is thought to work, you are getting advice that has been backed up by proof. This weeks Link Roundup is all about advice you need to know if job searching. We hope you found some advice here you hadnt heard before, and took away something of value. Trying to sort through all the advice for something useful can be a tall task, so we hope this weeks Link Roundup made it easier!

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