Thursday, July 30, 2020

Why a Creative Resume Design Can Hurt Your Job Search

Why a Creative Resume Design Can Hurt Your Job Search Why a Creative Resume Design Can Hurt Your Job Search Clarified: Why We Removed Your Charts and Images There are such huge numbers of subtleties with regards to composing a viable resume for the present market that it's hard for anybody other than a prepared proficient essayist to follow along. Between the developing needs of businesses and their developing dependence on enlistment innovation, continue composing has become both a craftsmanship and a science. In this arrangement, we will probably clarify a portion of the basic changes continue essayists make and why they are to your greatest advantage. Why we expel the pictures and diagrams from your resume In case you're working in an imaginative field or you simply have an enthusiasm for visual communication it very well may be enticing to decorate your resume with implanted pictures, extravagant outlines, and other structure components to make it pop. Be that as it may, there are a couple of valid justifications why your expert resume author decided on a smooth, yet more straightforward plan. Managers aren't enthusiasts of extravagant resume positions An imaginative resume configuration can frequently neutralize as opposed to in support of yourself. When TopResume overviewed almost 400 enrollment specialists and HR experts about the resume botches they viewed as major issues, position or potentially configuration is too detailed was among the main 10 resume offenses. By and large, under 10 seconds skimming a resume during their underlying survey; they would prefer not to sit around chasing for key snippets of data. Lamentably, an inventive resume configuration regularly changes the entire design of the report, making it a test for selection representatives to rapidly discover the data they care generally about. Pictures divert from the main thing: your capabilities While fun plan components may grab an enrollment specialist's attention, they can likewise be diverting. The most ideal approach to intrigue managers is by making it simple for them to distinguish your capabilities and comprehend your vocation story in a short measure of time. Try not to occupy them with pictures or graphs that distract from your quantifiable accomplishments. Installed pictures aren't ATS-accommodating Moreover, resumes that contain installed diagrams or pictures don't play pleasantly with candidate following frameworks (ATS), the product most bosses use to examine continues and wipe out the least qualified contender for a job. Actually, these plan components are frequently ambiguous by the ATS and will seem missing from your application once it goes through the ATS. With regards to your resume group, toning it down would be best Proficient resume essayists are prepared to utilize clean resume structures that favor void area, making it simple for the peruser to rapidly skim your data and comprehend your profession story. The more imaginative you get with your resume structure, the more probable selection representatives will be compelled to chase for the data they care about and the more probable they will skirt your application out and out. Spare the extravagant charts and different fancy odds and ends for your own site (if pertinent). Suggested Reading: Instructions to Customize Your Resume for a Specific Job Application Why a Simple Resume Layout is More Successful Instructions to Set the Stage for a Successful Job Search

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Three Steps to Building a Successful Job Search Plan

Three Steps to Building a Successful Job Search Plan Three Steps to Building a Successful Job Search Plan Looking for a job isn’t what it used to be. Today’s job search is an activity that requires organization, planning and scheduling.  In fact, one of the most important building blocks of  any  job search is  effective planning. The  challenge  is that while serious job searchers are committed to the job search,  they  often have trouble with the job  search  schedule and can’t get  organized or  find the  time.       In order to execute a job search plan  successfully, it is vital to commit  to three actions:     Block out a certain amount of time   Complete a set of activities in the right order     Track  your  progress every  day       Block Out Time     This  does  not  mean that you  have to  schedule time each and every day for job searching; do what is feasible in your life  and current workload. However, it is important to commit to, and stick with,  how much time you will spend on your job search.  The more effort and time  you  can  spend on job search will likely result in better outcomes  faster!     Carve out specific blocks of time  for job search activities  and put  them  on  your  calendar.  Whatever the commitment is,  make appointments with yourself in your  calendar.  Whether you use online schedulers or a paper calendar,  be sure you  stick to your schedule.       Complete a Set of Activities     Specific  activities are the heart of your job search. They include  things like  researching  potential companies and submitting applications, and they have  to be repeated  over and over  until you land  that new job.  The specific activities and their order include:     Preparing to Job Search â€" This includes organizing your technology, job search tools, communication  methods,  and documents.     Researching â€" You should be reading up  on  industry news, conducing internet or library searches, researching potential companies, and preparing for interviews.     Networking â€" Find out if there are industry events or external meetings to attend, or groups you can join.  Spend time on LinkedIn connecting with old colleagues or new ones.     Applying or Cold Calling â€" Build and refine your  network  list, contact your network list via phone or e-mail,  or  send out ‘candidate packets.’     Following Up â€" Be sure to follow up by sending  thank you notes (via e-mail) or contact hiring managers. You  actually  need to follow up three times after making the initial contact.     Rehearsing â€" Build and refine interview questions, draft scripts for phone calls, write draft e-mails before sending.  Practice interviews by role playing.     For the best results,  specify which  activity  you will do in a given hour  and stay in that  activity.  When you schedule an hour or twohour block dont just say  â€˜job search.’  Pick a particular activity  to  focus  on and write it down. For example,  you might say, ‘build my professional network list’  or  â€˜update my LinkedIn profile.’  Then that’s what you do for that blocked off amount of time.     Track  Your  Progress     Regular tracking  of job search activities reinforces  that job search is  your  number one priority. It prevents  wasting  time and ensures effectiveness and efficiency. It will also help to accelerate  the speed  in  which you get  to the finish line, which is  landing  your  new job.     Be comfortable with the type of calendar technology you use. Whatever you normally use for calendaring, use that for job search. Document every activity you do and what you need to do to follow up.  For example, if you go to an evening network event where youve collecting business cards,  you need to follow up with  these contacts the next morning and that  activity goes on  the  calendar.  The calendar serves as a record of all the things you have done and all the things yet to do.     In summary, finding a new job should  be treated like a job, which means committing to a schedule and completing the activities that make up a successful job search. By getting into a routine to conduct the  job search steps  of  preparation, research, networking,  and  completing applications,  you can avoid falling  back in that old job search pattern of random tasks and frustration.   Join Dana Manciagli’s  Job Search Master Class ®  now  and get the most comprehensive  online  job search system available!

Thursday, July 16, 2020

Why happy and comfortable wont get you there

Why glad and agreeable won't get you there Why glad and agreeable won't get you there My hands are as yet perspiring. I as of late observed the remarkable narrative Free Solo. It accounts the staggering accomplishment of free soloist climber Alex Honnold, as he scales the acclaimed El Capitan in Yosemite National Park.El Capitan is 3,200 feet of sheer stone, and Honnold climbs the entire thing in less than four hours.Without ropes.I read Honnold's interesting book, Alone on the Wall, yet there's not at all like watching him in real life on the large screen.The narrative shows his thorough arrangements, practice runs, climbing diaries, and the sky is the limit from there. It additionally inspects the relationship he has with Sanni McCandless, his girlfriend.Dating a person who hazards his life climbing vertiginous dividers of stone can't be simple. Also Honnold's enthusiastic remoteness, which encourages him stay focused.An article in cites Honnold:Soloing consistently originates from a specific mental space. What's more, it has required some push to develo p the correct space for a relationship, the correct space to in any case move at an elevated level and simply attempt to adjust it.There's an entrancing part in the narrative where Honnold contrasts McCandless' craving to have a glad and agreeable existence with his push for climbing greatness. He specifies how being agreeable doesn't prompt achievement.Clearly, Honnold would not be cheerful becoming complacent, in light of the fact that greatness originates from genuine exertion, not subsiding into an existence of recreation and comfort.In the narrative, we watch as Honnold and McCandless purchase another house and shop for fridges. Honnold recently grasped an austere life, living out of his van, disregarding liquor and red meat.While Honnold's notoriety brought supports and cash, he remains generally unaltered. Still centered around the following climb.For Alex Honnold, subsiding into a regular life won't do it for him. Cheerful and agreeable won't get him where he needs to go. He realizes that to accomplish enormity in climbing, he needs to continue pushing. Continue preparing. Watch out for the following prize.The puzzle of human presence lies not in simply remaining alive, however in discovering something to live for. â€" Fyodor DostoyevskyI question the feline volunteeredAlex Honnold isn't the main individual to achieve a risky test. Consider the life of Annie Edson Taylor. She was conceived on October 24, 1838, in New York.A teacher, Annie met David Taylor and they were hitched. The couple had one child, who unfortunately passed on in his outset. Not long after that, David passed away.Life does that occasionally. It totally annihilates the cheerful and agreeable world you made for yourself. When that occurs, what do you do?Do you surrender? Quit? Or then again do you discover a path forward? Modify and art another life?For Annie Taylor, she picked a strong, irregular approach to move forward.After her better half kicked the bucket, she sought after diff erent employments and moved around. Worried about accounts for her later years, she chose to turn into the main individual to ride over Niagara Falls in a barrel.She gained a custom barrel made of oak and iron and padded the inside with a sleeping cushion. At that point she tried the barrel by putting a feline inside and sending him over the waterfall.I question the feline chipped in. Fortunately, the feline endure and rose up out of the barrel with just a little slice on his head.Wikipedia depicts the remainder of the story:On October 24, 1901, her 63rd birthday, the barrel was put over the side of a paddle boat, and Taylor moved in, alongside her fortunate heart-molded pad. In the wake of screwing down the top, companions utilized a bike tire siphon to pack the air in the barrel. The gap utilized for this was stopped with a plug, and Taylor was set hapless close to the American shore, south of Goat Island. The Niagara lake flows conveyed the barrel over the Canadian Horseshoe Falls, which has since been the site for all adrenaline junkie hindering at Niagara Falls. Rescuers contacted her barrel not long after the dive. Taylor was found to be alive and generally unharmed, aside from a little slice on her head.Annie Taylor never made the monetary progress she sought after. A degenerate supervisor took off with the barrel and a portion of her cash. In her last years, she figured out how to make a living. She postured for photos with visitors at her keepsake stand and sought after a couple of other ventures.The point is, anyway unconventional her arrangement, Annie Taylor didn't surrender. In the past she had a cheerful and agreeable life, yet it didn't last. So she lifted herself up, made a striking arrangement, and moved forward.Writer Margie Warrell, in an article for, notes:Only in surrendering the security of the known would we be able to make new chance, form ability, and develop impact. As we do, we grow the edge of our 'Fearlessness Zone' and our certainty to take on greater difficulties in the future.Warrell goes on to write:In short, we should be happy to get settled with the distress engaged with taking risks.We will in general live in our solace zonesI live in Southern Nevada, in a Del Web type network of for the most part resigned people. I appreciate espresso a couple of times each week with a lot of folks who are more seasoned than me.I like spending time with these men since they have numerous life exercises and astuteness to share. These folks could just make the most of their homes and play golf, yet they accomplish more than that.One fellow goes off on mountain climbs that numerous youngsters would neglect to achieve. Another person, who is 80 years of age, rises early consistently and lifts loads. These folks are mentally inquisitive, travel every now and again, and continue pushing themselves.What I've learned is that cheerful and agre eable isn't sufficient. Individuals flourish when we have difficulties to handle and objectives to achieve.An article in clarifies why glad and agreeable isn't sufficient. An excerpt:We will in general live in our customary ranges of familiarity. The vast majority infrequently, if at any time, adventure outside of theirs. For most, it's tied in with making an insincere effort. It is an existence of schedule, slackness, and insignificant exertion. However, to arrive at new statures you need to propel yourself. You need to accomplish the work. Also, you need to test your limits.There is an admonition. Significant all things considered to have objectives and spotlight on accomplishment, we likewise need times of personal time. Space in our lives to rest, think, and reestablish our imagination and drive.Being glad and agreeable is fine. It's a state we as a whole strive for, and there's nothing amiss with getting a charge out of the crown jewels of our endeavors. Be that as it may, so as to continue developing and accomplishing, we need to propel ourselves. In some cases, when we get excessively agreeable, we get lazy.I'd much rather sink into my cowhide sofa and get lost on my PC than drive down to the rec center for another, severe exercise with my coach. Be that as it may, the sofa and PC won't assist me with accomplishing my wellness goals.How about you? Have you been tempted by an agreeable daily practice and glad business as usual? It's anything but difficult to allow this to occur, in light of the fact that who needs to battle throughout everyday life? But, seeking after objectives and doing hard things is the thing that moves the needle. It's the way we continue developing and achieving.Take a nearby gander at your life. It is safe to say that you are somewhat settled? Have you let upbeat and agreeable impede turning into the individual you truly need to be?Focused exertion prompts breakthroughs!You don't need to hazard your life ascending heaps of sheer rock, or tumble over Niagara Falls in a barrel. Yet, you do need to get off the love seat, escape your customary range of familiarity, and pursue your interests and dreams with restored center and assurance. Do that, and watch your life change for the better.Before you goI'm John P. Weiss. I paint scenes, draw kid's shows and expound on sly living. Jump on my free email list here.This article initially showed up on Medium.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Top 5 Reasons Employees Quit You - milewalk

Top 5 Reasons Employees Quit You - milewalk Top 5 Reasons Employees Quit You I never considered titling this article The Top 5 Reasons Employees Quit Their Companies or The Top 5 Reasons Employees Quit Their Jobs. Those expressions are often used and technically true, but they are not really true in the most frequent sense. Make no mistake, people quit people before they quit companies. The latter is simply an inevitable reality that occurs because of the former. I know this because based on my personal experience interviewing almost 11,000 prospective employees, over 80% of them cited their boss as one of the top three reasons they would leave their job! My company, milewalk, captures every imaginable statistic related to employees, employers, job searching, recruiting, and so forth. Based on detailed data from more than 10,000 interviews, we have captured the top five reasons employees quit or want to quit. Here they are: 5. They don’t believe in the company, the management team, or its product.This is more pervasive than employers imagine. Employees want to stand behind a good product or service. If they don’t feel the company is supplying the world with one or has a management team that cant make it a strong brand, they’ll leave. There are other tangential issues here as well such as the integrity of the management team. It is bad enough not to be competent or skilled at elevating your company and it’s even worse if you’re not doing it ethically. 4. The don’t feel they’re learning. Regardless of how much compensation someone earns, an individual will be dissatisfied if he or she is not learning. Employees genuinely want their careers to evolve with time and they also want to be challenged. Great companies continually stretch their employees. If they can’t do that via position changes, new responsibilities, or promotions, they should at least ensure all employees receive good training in new areas. 3. They think the corporate culture stinks. My company has a recruiting methodology based on predictive and historical analytics that indicates Cultural Fit is the single greatest indicator of employee-retention success. It’s one thing to hire an individual who doesn’t fit your culture, but it’s a much greater sin to have an entirely bad culture. 2. They don’t feel appreciated. Sometimes I give my dogs treats when they do something great. Other times I simply pet them. They seem to like both and know that they did well whenever either happens. People are no different! You don’t always need to show appreciation with more compensation or promotions. Sometimes verbal recognition or other acknowledgements work well. However you choose to do it, at least make sure you do it! 1. They think their boss is awful. Lack of respect, courtesy, or appreciation combined with no trust, granted autonomy or anything else that every human being that walks this planet wants is a recipe for a short-lived relationship. An absentee relationship is no better. People don’t need to be friends with their bosses, but they do want to have a healthy working relationship and learn from their bosses. It should be no surprise that this is the leader in reasons why employees leave. To stay ahead of the resignation curve, check out The Top 12 Happiness Factors for Employees!

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Link Roundup What You Need to Know When Job Searching - Walrath Recruiting, Inc.

Link Roundup What You Need to Know When Job Searching - Walrath Recruiting, Inc. Instead of focusing on one specific topic this week, weve gathered all the links that we believe will lead to a successful job search. Job searching technology and trends continue to evolve, so keeping up with them is crucial. In the links below we highlight some new developments, as well as some tried and true advice. As long as youre a job seeker,   youll find something of value below. How to Get An Amazing Job Without Much Experience This Forbes article is a great read for any recent college graduates! Its written by Jon Youshaei, a Product Marketer at Google, who has his own online webcomic about careers. What makes this article even better is that Youshaei uses his unique cartoons throughout the article to emphasize the points he makes. It makes for a fun and engaging article! How to Properly Read a Job Posting So You Dont Apply to a Terrible Job If youre looking at a job description, theres usually more than meets the eye. As a job seeker, you may not know the hidden meaning behind the HR lingo. For example, if the company is looking for a self-starter, they want someone independent who wont need much oversight. Knowing how to read between the lines on job descriptions should help you avoid ones you wouldnt want. Check out the full article for more explanations. LinkedIn and Microsoft Team Up For a Resume Building Assistant in Word When Microsoft acquired LinkedIn towards the end of last year, the tech world went crazy with predictions about what this would mean for each company and their products. Now it seems we have the first concrete result of the acquisition. When you draft a resume in word, it will provide suggested phrases and terminology. Once youve finished, it will also let you know what type of positions you should target, based on your experience. This is certainly only the beginning of what we will see since the two companies integrated, and its exciting to think of what might be next! Why Your LinkedIn Profile Isnt Getting Any Traction Not getting any new connections or messages on LinkedIn? Its not an uncommon problem. There are a number of reasons why your LinkedIn profile isnt doing anything for you. Even though LinkedIn may rate your profile as an All-Star, other professionals may not see it that way. For example, if your summary is too dry and uninteresting, it will be hard to rope anyone in. If they arent drawn in by that summary, its highly unlikely theyll look at your experience and skills at all. Bring Your Resume Job Descriptions to Life: Be Interesting, Compelling and Memorable Having a boring LinkedIn summary can be dangerous- and so can having a boring resume. A resume that just reads like a listing of job descriptions isnt going to convince anyone to bring you in for an interview, let alone hire you. You have to be compelling, and not only explain your responsibilities, but describe your accomplishments as well. This article has some great advice that will help you bring your resume alive, and make it an enticing document to hiring managers. These 5 Interview Questions Reveal the Most About Job Candidates Hiring manager or not, its good to have a sense for what type of interview questions will be asked. Everyone knows, What is your greatest weakness? and expects it. More  recently however, interviewers are trying to ask questions and gauge not just your answer, but also how you answered. Did you answer truthfully and genuinely? Were you caught off guard by that type of question? Questions are now asked to not only get answers, but uncover motives as well. This article shares some examples of these types of questions. 6 Keys to Declutter Your Resume Right Now Is your resume a lot longer than you want it to be? If so, its possible you have some unnecessary content taking up crucial space. This article from Ladders should help you trim the fat, and refine your resume to be succinct and direct. There are some changes that are acceptable, and some that arent. This article does a great job of distinguishing between what is allowed, and what is looked down upon. How to Stay Focused If Youre Assigned to Multiple Projects as Once There are many job descriptions out there that have something along the lines of, must be able to juggle multiple tasks/projects at once. This shouldnt be outright discouraging, but it can be intimidating. If you find yourself in the position of trying to balance multiple projects at once, this article has some great suggestions to help you find a balance and stay focused. Whats great about this article from the Harvard Business Review is that its backed up by research. So instead of getting advice that is thought to work, you are getting advice that has been backed up by proof. This weeks Link Roundup is all about advice you need to know if job searching. We hope you found some advice here you hadnt heard before, and took away something of value. Trying to sort through all the advice for something useful can be a tall task, so we hope this weeks Link Roundup made it easier!